Digital Finance for All

Digital Finance for All
Financial Aid Available
This 4-week course provides an introductory perspective on how credit, insurance, and savings products for the informal majority have evolved and how they operate in today’s increasingly digital world.
Course Details

First Intake

Start Date
March 6, 2025

Enroll By
March 2, 2025

4 Weeks
Digital Frontiers InstituteCourse Information
Is This Course For You?
Financial service providers have traditionally offered products that serve the needs of workers and enterprises in the formal economy. However, in many countries, the majority of the population earns income in the informal economy, which limits their ability to access formal financial services.
Financial institutions that have tried to build products and services to bring this underserved population into the formal financial system have faced difficulties in defining a business model that allows them to scale up and provide majority access. This course offers an introductory perspective on the possibilities that digitization brings to the informal majority; how credit, insurance, and savings products have evolved and the scalability needed to make these products suitable for clients and profitable for providers.
This course has been developed for:
- Professionals in the financial inclusion space.
- Start-up entrepreneurs looking to enter the space.
- Executives in financial services who are interested in building financial products for the informal majority.
- International development professionals who wish to gain a holistic understanding of digital payments and emerging digital financial services.
By providing a space for discussions, debates, experience, knowledge-sharing, and exchanges of resources and tools, the course enables individuals, teams and leaders to develop a stronger, more unified understanding of digital financial services, making it an excellent complement to organizational training and professional development goals. Organizations with key goals related to digital financial services and financial inclusion are strongly encouraged to enrol.
What Are The Intended Outcomes?
Following the completion of the course, students will:
- Have an integrated 360-degree view of digital payments and be familiar with a standard set of concepts and vocabulary.
- Be able to illustrate how credit, insurance, and savings products have evolved.
- Compare business models of established and emerging players.
- Analyze the impact of legal and regulatory conditions.
- Discuss some of the trends developing within the financial inclusion space today.
- Confidently participate in conversations, exchange ideas.
- Apply these learnings to your work through developing innovative products needed to overcome the constraints of the space while ultimately achieving profitability.