UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments

The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments self-paced online learning course explains the 9 overarching principles, which serves as a practical guide for governments, companies and international organisations embracing responsible digital payments in their journey to build trust, mitigating risks, and driving inclusive economies. The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments course will count 2 credits towards Certified Digital Finance Practitioner journey.

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Inclusion Financière

Ce cours de 4 semaines est destiné aux professionnels qui traitent d’une manière ou d’une autre avec les plateformes de monnaie numérique, les services fintech ou la microfinance, et qui ont un besoin ou un désir de mieux comprendre comment les services financiers numériques contribuent à améliorer la vie des personnes à faible revenu ou autrement défavorisées. Groupes de personnes et d’acquérir des outils pour prendre des décisions sur la mesure de l’impact.

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La Finance Numérique Pour Tous

Ce cours de 4 semaines offre une perspective introductive sur la façon dont les produits de crédit, d’assurance et d’épargne pour la majorité informelle ont évolué et comment ils fonctionnent dans le monde de plus en plus numérique d’aujourd’hui.

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Money Transfers

This 4-week course offers a comprehensive perspective on how the remittance industry has developed and evolved and how it operates today.

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Financial Inclusion

This 4-week course is intended for professionals who deal in some way with digital money platforms, fintech services or microfinance, and who have a need or desire to better understand how digital financial services contribute to improving the lives of lower-income or otherwise disadvantaged groups of people and gain tools to make decisions on the measurement of impact.

*Available in French

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Digitising Humanitarian and Social Assistance

This 6-week course is a general introduction to the use of digital payments in providing humanitarian aid, focusing on the mechanics of digital aid and how to digitise social assistance.

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Digitising Agriculture

This 4-week course will explore the current state of play for digital tools serving agricultural sectors and smallholders in emerging markets and evaluate how the delivery of these services are working or failing.

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Digital MSME Finance

This 4-week course provides an introduction to the dynamics of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) finance in the digital era. Participants explore the intricacies of the MSME finance gap and gain exposure to how new digital tools and innovations are transforming the credit landscape, not only enhancing financial inclusion and economic growth but also fostering innovation, job creation, and resilience in our rapidly evolving global business landscape.

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Digital Finance for All

This 4-week course provides an introductory perspective on how credit, insurance, and savings products for the informal majority have evolved and how they operate in today’s increasingly digital world.

*Available in French

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Agent Networks at the Last Mile (A CGAP Course)

This 5-week course is on Cash In/Cash Out (CICO) agent network development in rural areas. It follows 5 Modules and guides students through the fundamentals of launching and expanding CICO networks.

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